This salad is very nourishing and can go well as a summer main course.

Version 1: Take beef filet (filetto), cut it in fine stripes and fry , or
Version 2: Take a good price of red meat, and make soup. Don’t put the meat with the cold water, but let the soup start boiling and add it then. When the soup is finished, you take the meat out and keep the soup for another occasion (i.e. serve it as Shurbat Lisan Asfour).
Prepare the salad sauce from:

– 1tb Balsamic vinegar
– 3 – 4 tb tomato ketchup
– 1 tsp mustard
– salt, pepper, “shatta” (chili pepper)
– 1 tsp olive oil
(tsp = teaspoon, tb = table/soup spoon)

Cut the meat and fry it till golden brown. Season with salt, pepper and spices you like (i.e. baharat “all spice”), and add it to the salad sauce when finished.
Cut one or two big onions in chunks. Fry them for a short time in the same pan, and add a little bit of water. Let it boil for a short moment, stir well and add the onions with the water to the salad bowl, mix well.
Cut 2 or 3 sour pickled cucumbers in small cubes (available sometimes fresh-made and cheap, otherwise in glass and expensive at Sheikh Abdallah, or use homemade ones), drain a can of sweet corn/Mais, mix both in the salad sauce, and put the bowl in the fridge for one hour or longer.

Before serving you add red, green and yellow bell peppers (fil fil), tomatoes, or any other veggie and/or lettuce you like