Ras Kathy cliff demolition
[wpvp_embed type=youtube video_code=ZySJJ0gWrpo width=560 height=315] Residents of Sharm el Sheikh are protesting against the Ras Kathy cliff…

Opening of Carrefour at Sunterra
[wpvp_embed type=youtube video_code=W2jKwkWABnw width=560 height=315] South Sinai Governor Khaled Fouda opened the new Carrefour in Sunterra on 22…

The secret gardens of the Sinai
[wpvp_embed type=youtube video_code=3_7nJoapyMw width=560 height=315] A beautiful short film about the gardens of St.…

Italian Apnea No-limit Record
[wpvp_embed type=youtube video_code=dtTm2kKaf7c width=560 height=315] Italian apnea record in the No limits catagory by Andrea Zuccari set at…

Shark Bait by Tudor Pearce
[wpvp_embed type=youtube video_code=ag3kk9IOqXA width=560 height=315] Shark Bait an interesting documentary on sharks by former Sharm resident…

Sharmer 2012 Trailer by Theresa Khalil
[wpvp_embed type=youtube video_code=D4inRGi0vOE width=560 height=315] Second show will again be at Kiroseiz Cinema - Naama Bay on Friday, 30 March…