Friday 13 April was a good day for the street animals of Sharm. An auction with precious vouchers for dinners, spa treatments, wine and many more items was held at the Camel Bar.

The evening organized by Maggie with the help of Vicky and Nick was great fun plus it was a great success for the animals. Auctioneer (for the evening) Dave managed to pull out every pound of the bidders which brought together more than 12000 LE for the Pets Hotel.

Maggie who has been helping the Pets Hotel now since over a year explained to us a bit more the work of the Pets Hotels volunteer work for the street animals.

“You wanted to know what happens to the money raised for the Pets Hotel. Where do I start?
At any one time, half the guests at the Pets Hotel are rescued non paying guests. When Sonia and Dara rescues an animal, it is usually in need of treatment or at least its routine injections.

In the time I have known of the Pets Hotel, there has been Mop, found with a wire round his neck and a horrendous infected wound on his back. He was treated then fostered and they arranged his travel to Europe where he is now in his home for life. Then there was Arlo, Sonia spotted in the middle of the road as featured in the photos. Once again, treated, fostered and now a pampered pooch in Europe. Another dog now residing in Europe, almost died from internal injuries sustained from being kicked by his owner.

Others, still residing at the Pets Hotel, include a dog with ropes imbedded in its neck, one found with a bullet in its neck and another kept in a cage that was not high enough for its legs to develop properly.
At any one time Sonia usually has a puppy or two in her own home which they pay to be inoculated and sent to Europe where homes are found.

Apart from this, Sonia regularly goes round supplementing the diets of street dogs nursing puppies and when possible, finding homes for the pups. She also feeds the street cats.
Another project is getting the street dogs sterilized.

Sonia  and Dara could tell you of many more animals they have helped and have photographs of many of them.
They never publicize what they do so there are a few of us in Sharm happy to help by raising funds for them.”