This soup is great in the winter. It is very nourishing and can be served as a full meal.

You need:
1 kg potatoes
ca. 8 slices of smoked turkey ham (eshta rumi)
2 onions
1 – 2 cloves garlic
Thyme and/or Oregano
1 tb mustard
Hot chili pepper (shatta)
Paprika powder (filfil ruumi)
2 – 4 Maggi cubes
Olive oil
Milk or cream (cream = nicer taste, milk = less calories – the decision is yours….)
1 packet Chicken or Turkey Frankfurters

Peel and wash the potatoes and cut them in cubes. Cut the onions to pieces and mince the garlic or cut to very small pieces.
Put the olive oil in a big pot and fry in it half of the onions and all garlic until golden brown.
Than add the potatoes to the pot and fill with water (the water level should be app. 2 cm above the potatoes, you can add more later if needed).
Add 2 Maggi cubes, the mustard and season with thyme, paprika and shatta.
Let it boil on a small fire for 12 – 15 minutes until the potatoes are cooked.
After some minutes of boiling, taste and add more Maggi cubes if needed – note that you will smash the potatoes later, so the soup should be quite salty and tasty, as potatoes “swallow” a lot of salt.
In the meantime cut the smoked turkey slices in pieces, and fry in a little bit of olive oil together with the rest of the onions golden brown.
After 15 minutes take the soup off the fire and smash the potatoes, so you get a creamy soup. Add the milk or cream and fill with more boiling water, if too thick.
Taste, season with salt and pepper, and add the fried turkey and onions. Put again on the fire, cut the frankfurters in slices, add, and let it boil up once.

Tip: If you have leftover vegetables, like leek, zucchini, carrots, you can cut few in small pieces and cook together with the potatoes, it give a nice taste.