Category: Pin Board » Lessons & Education

Courses starting
02/11/2017 15:22

Courses starting at ILCC:

The following courses will start on

Russian Course level 1 (RB1)
Saturday 04.11.2017
From 21.00-23.00

English Course level 1 (EB1)
Saturday 11.11.2017
From 19.00-21.00

English Introduction Course level 0 (E-Intro)
Sunday 12.11.2017
From 21.00-23.00

Italian Course level 4 (IB4)
Monday 13.11.2017
From 21.00-23.00

Russian Course level 3 (RB3)
Monday 13.11.2017
From 19.00-21.00

CompuSharm building, 12, Zoo Street, beside old Coca Cola store
Sharm El Sheikh.
Phone: (069) 366-1098 | Mobile: (0100) 007-30-20
Email: [Details removed by SW]
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