Category: Pin Board » Services

Sun Gate Co. for Maintenance general trading , marketing . contracting
21/06/2015 00:09

Maintenance , constructing & Amendment buildings
We are now taking care of your home in all maintenance work Gypsum board Plumbing Electrical Carpentry Painting Polishing
Kitchen equipment washing machines Mason landscaping work A/C .
If you can't care about your home or if you are not here we can taking care about it With annually contract, You will feel the change

Notes: All previews is free
جميع انواع الصيانات منازل ومحلات:
معدات مطابخ تكييف كهرباء لوح كنترول اسقف معلقة نجارة اعمال الوميتال استرجي نقاشة سباكة محارة مباني اعمال رخام بناء حمامات سباحة صيانة دورية لحمام

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