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Dear sir I am asst income auditor I looking income auditor at 5 star hotel in sharm
Contact Name: IslamHatem
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Terms of service:We, SharmWomen, reserve the right to edit, categorize, revise, or to decline any classified advertisement or business directory listing at our soul discretion. As it is our intent to uphold the highest standards of accuracy, clarity and legality, we may prohibit any ad or listing that compromises this intent. If we deem an ad to be in violation of our Terms of Service, the ad will not be approved, or will be removed without warning. Likewise, all content must adhere to a family-friendly audience, and as such, we may prohibit certain types of content at our soul discretion. If content you provide may be questionable or inflammatory, it is your soul responsibility as a user of this service to request whether or not said content falls within the intent of this website before posting it. Check your ad and if you find an error that you cannot correct yourself through editing, please report it immediately to us through our Contact area. We will make every effort to ensure your ad is correct, however, SharmWomen will not be held liable for any damages arising out of errors or omissions. Please note, Classified Ads are the responsibility of the individual or individuals posting the ads, and we do not assume responsibility for the products or services sold or offered. Likewise, Business Listings and Employment Ads are the responsibility of the business owners posting the ads, and they assume all liability and responsibility for their content and accuracy. This includes the uploading/sharing/other use of copyrighted material; each user assumes the responsibility for any potential copyright violations, and SharmWomen shall be held harmless in the event that a copyright infraction has been brought to our attention. SharmWomen reserves the right, when approving an ad or listing, to move it to a different category than originally listed, in the event that a more appropriate category exists, in case of obvious errors, in case of addition or removal of categories, or in the event that the content of the ad or listing changes in nature of content by editing after approval, but remains within terms of service. It is responsibility of individuals and businesses who use this service to confirm the legitimacy of any other user with whom they interact. There are risks which you assume when dealing with people who might be acting under false pretenses; all of these risks are borne by you, the user. Please be aware that unfortunately, scam and con artists target the internet as well as any other business, and all possible transactions should be entered into with the utmost care. We are a venue only and do not control the products or services offered to other users, nor does SharmWomen control the users of our service. Please be smart when conducting business via the internet. If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don't give out information or deal with people who strike you as being suspicious. Never, ever send out an item you've sold until all forms of payment have cleared, including money orders, and beware of buyers who send checks or money orders made out for more than the cost of the item. We cannot and do not control the behavior of the participants on this site. We cannot control whether or not users of our Online Classifieds, Business Listings, or Employment Ads will complete the transactions they describe on our site. Please note the following: - This service is primarily for those offering items for sale within the state specified and surrounding states; some categories have out-of-state sections. If you are not from the specified state, please list your items in these sections only. All items must be offered for sale through classified advertising must be by individuals rather than businesses. - All ads must be in English. - Each individual user is responsible for their ads and its contents. - We reserve the right to refuse any ad we feel is not appropriate or in violation of our Terms of Service. - We will not be held liable for any damages of any kind relating to any ad. - We reserve the right to terminate any ad at any time for any reason, including if we learn that user has provided false or misleading information. - We make no claim or representation regarding, and accept no responsibility for, the quality, content, nature or reliability of web sites accessible by hyperlink from the site, or web sites linking to the site. - We expect ads to be worded in a manner conducive to a G-rated audience. Please do not include words or descriptions that are offensive in nature. - Should we feel it necessary to delete a business listing because it has been altered after approval, because it no longer meets our terms of service, the listing may be deleted without warning or explanation. Please abide by the Terms of Service at all times. Rules Specific to Ads/Listings within the Business & Services Directory: - Businesses are restricted to listing information within the state where they originate, or within states where their physical location is within 30 miles of the metropolitan area they serve. - Businesses must be legitimate businesses which serve a specific geographic area. Certain information is required in order to insure the quality of listings. Any business which falsifies information will have their listing removed without notice. - The following types of businesses are not allowed: recruitment, make money at home schemes, illegal and/or illicit product sale or resale, internet-only offers, businesses which would not appeal to a family-oriented audience, or other like-kind businesses. - Businesses which can potentially be listed in a standard phone directory yellow pages section will most likely be approved. In addition, we will consider listings from reputable resale representatives from known companies, such as Avon, Mary Kay, Tupperware, and other entities. The intent of this site is to provide family-oriented content, and content deemed to be outside the appeal of a G-rated audience will be denied or deleted without notice. Rules Specific to Ads/Listings within the Employment Section: - Businesses listing job openings are restricted to listing information within the state where they originate, or within states where their physical location is within 30 miles of the metropolitan area they serve. - Businesses must be legitimate businesses which serve a specific geographic area, and are providing job listings for specific jobs. Certain information is required in order to insure the quality of listings. Any business which falsifies information will have their listing removed without notice. - The following types of businesses are not allowed: recruitment, make money at home schemes, illegal and/or illicit product sale or resale, internet-only offers, businesses which would not appeal to a family-oriented audience, or other like-kind businesses. This also includes any recruitment offers which require payment for services, such as employment agency fees, representation fees, etc. Legitimate employment agencies may list their services in our business directory, as long as Terms of Service are met. - Businesses which can potentially be listed in a standard phone directory yellow pages section will most likely be approved. The intent of this site is to provide family-oriented content, and content deemed to be outside the appeal of a G-rated audience will be denied or deleted without notice. - Job seekers may post contact information and desired positions within the Job Seekers section, providing all other Terms of Service are observed. In addition, we will not allow the following classified ads, at risk of removal without warning: - SharmWomen is a venue designed for offering items for sale by owner, and ads that are for or by businesses will be removed without warning. - No personal ads (e.g. dating or other social ads). - No sales of weapons, including guns, rifles, artillery. - No ads offering illegal items for sale. - No "Make Money At Home"-type ads; no pyramid or Ponzi schemes, no requests for money. - No libel, slander, or items that would be offensive to a G-rated audience. I agree to the terms of service
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