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Category: Pin Board » Events
Hi, I am giving English and Polish lessons. If you are interested, please contact me on [Details removed by SW]…- 22/10/2013 19:32
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- Views: 372
i will came from cairo to sharm in 23/10/2013 at 5.00 am any one want o join to me can…- 21/10/2013 23:27
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- Views: 315
Math, English, Russian, German and Polish teachers with experience of working with kids, teenagers and adults!!! We will help you…- 21/10/2013 18:14
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- Views: 373
M&M - we organise parties, events, celebrations, design decorations; with our team of professionals and animators your party will be…- 21/10/2013 18:10
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- Views: 432
private taxi
For Families and Foreigners in sharm elsheik private taxi , Best Prices , Air Conditioning , Non-Smoker driver , Special…- 18/10/2013 16:21
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- Views: 361 Replies: 2
I am giving English and Polish lessons. If you are interested, please contact me on [Details removed by SW] or…- 18/10/2013 13:49
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- Views: 336 Replies: 2
The Lounge
This Halloween, The Lounge will be transformed into 'The Woods'! For the ultimate event this Halloween, you need to be…- 14/10/2013 22:44
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- Views: 363
Marika - Staff House for Hotels
Hello! Is somebody interested to share a staff house with another hotel in the area of Hay El Nour??? Max…- 08/10/2013 22:23
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- Views: 335
need to go to hurghada on 10 th thurseday with my wife . so if any body going with his…- 08/10/2013 13:59
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- Views: 346
hello friends ! italian teacher available for teach staff or private , 15 years experience in italian language , easy…- 08/10/2013 03:36
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- Views: 303
Looking for
Looking to rent a shop within hotel in Sharm el Sheikh. Please reply with details, such as: Hotel's name, rent…- 07/10/2013 10:17
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- Views: 378 Replies: 2
Corso di Grammatica Italiana per bambini/Italian Grammar course for kids
Stiamo organizzando dei corsi di grammatica italiana per bambini delle elementari residenti a Sharm. Se siete interessati, per favore contattateci…- 06/10/2013 21:20
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- Views: 348
Merzban Law Firm
We are a legal service office, (Merzban Law Firm), looking for people who are interested in renewing there visa's, work…- 05/10/2013 15:26
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- Views: 385 Replies: 1
Message for hotels and travel agent companies. An Italian teacher is available to teach the Italian language to the staffs…- 05/10/2013 13:48
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- Views: 330
For Delta Sharm Owners
Cari proprietari, Per la comunicazione facile e veloce con voi, stiamo aggiornando il nostro database. Bisogno vostri telefoni fissi e…- 05/10/2013 11:58
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- Views: 360
Update Personal Owners Data at Delta Sharm Resort Dear Owners In order to reach a high level of your satisfaction…- 05/10/2013 11:56
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- Views: 445 Replies: 1
Openday Market Delta Sharm Wednseday 9th October sell all your unwanted items 11am~~~6pm 30 le per table El Khedewy Cafe…- 05/10/2013 09:20
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- Views: 341
Shop for rent
Book and gift shop for rent inside hotel 4 star info : [Details removed by SW]- 05/10/2013 03:11
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- Views: 325
Hello! I am going to El Tor within the next week with a lawyer that is going to take care…- 01/10/2013 23:34
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- Views: 449 Replies: 4
Nom Nom Nom WOW, I have had the best fresh Bread, Best ever Chicken Panne Sandwich and awesome Choc Brownies…- 01/10/2013 12:43
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- Views: 365
Tickets from/to Russsia & Ukraine +2 [Details removed by SW]
Moscow-Sharm in October 290$. Sharm-Moscow (regular flights) 04/10, 06/10, 09/10 by 300$ Sharm-Moscow (charters) 02/10, 05/10, 06/10, 08/10, 09/10 by…- 30/09/2013 14:09
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- Views: 375 Replies: 1
Hello! Is somebody interested to share a staff house with another hotel in the area of Hay El Nour??? Max…- 28/09/2013 23:27
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- Views: 353
Back to school
English and Math. Lessons for students with a qualified teacher, for more teacher call: 0111/ 5426663- 28/09/2013 19:51
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- Views: 340
PARTIES EVENTS WEDDINGS- proffesional decorating by designers and artists.- 27/09/2013 17:36
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- Views: 331
unique and outstanding paintings made by a gifted artists, all motives and coloures and sizes available; tell us what painting…- 27/09/2013 17:33
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- Views: 401
professional french teacher for extra lessons and help your kids for homework and conversation tel [Details removed by SW]- 26/09/2013 12:55
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- Views: 336 Replies: 1
El Tur
Dear Sharmers; are there anybody going to el Tur ( Visa) within the next 2 weeks ?- 26/09/2013 11:56
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- Views: 427 Replies: 3
Message for hotels and travel agent companies. An Italian teacher is available to teach the Italian language to the staffs…- 26/09/2013 03:06
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- Views: 362
Tickets from/to Russsia & Ukraine +2 [Details removed by SW]
Moscow-Sharm any date starting from 30/09/2013 by 290$ Sharm-Moscow (regular flight) 04/10/2013 by 300$ Moscow-Sharm-Moscow 7-14 days in October by…- 25/09/2013 19:47
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- Views: 329
hi to all i will came back from cairo by my car any one want to join to me .- 22/09/2013 20:24
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- Views: 353 Replies: 1